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Sekai • 2 years ago

08:05 The grandpa must be really proud of his only grandson to the point of framing his drawings

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago


Why does it feel like it's been ages since I've seen a detective boys episode. The first detective boys episode I get to see in a while and Haibara isn't even in it. They didn't even give us an excuse this time.. The pain I endure...

Mitsuhiko and Genta's balance is really quite good. Walking on a small curved surface while balancing a vertical rolled up piece of paper on your head mustn't be easy. What are they feeding kids these days
And their drawings are pretty good for their age!!

7:13 I'm just gonna pretend as if any of that made sense

Ok this kid's drawings are good and all but I don't think they're "frame each and every one of them and hang them on the wall like a gallery" good.

17:58 !?!:?;!?!! I thought she was gonna get in the trunk, not the literal backseat of the car!!!! She's going get herself killed on day I swear

strange guy • 1 year ago

Not painful

strange guy • 1 year ago

I thought you seen it soon because your last comment was also 9 months ago

OPWOLEZ • 5 months ago

07:50. the wall of his drawings is so adorable
In the drawings he was drawing kamen yaiba the tv show was playing maybe that can be a clue. To what time he drew the picture. So they know if it was on noon or any other place

OPWOLEZ • 5 months ago

This ending i like much better then the one before

Hawt Sauce • 2 years ago

its always ayumi and genta who fcks up. i hate these kids.

Tran Duy • 2 years ago

yeah, fucking kids always catch to conan

plutoxoxo • 4 months ago

this case was pretty simple and straightforward like i expected something to happen but yeah

ayumi is so fucking dumb....

Satilinethejay • 10 months ago

1:18, I want them to make a figure of Shinichi doing this pose, it looks like a jojo pose lol. Also 1:28, I love that part, he looks so silly looking over his shoulder like that, he looks like my dog when she stands funny. 23:39, Conan's glasses disapear.

Sykral • 1 year ago

It's a worthwhile endeavor, and I see it through.
I've read this manga countless times, but I never get bored with it.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Detective Conan ?